Monday, March 19, 2007

Cold? Think not...

30 Nov 2004
Time: 22:13
Mood: Rushed

Beep! My bro is going to Seoul on Dec 10-16 with my dad. On a tour. For some long-needed father-son bond. Afterall, we hardly see our dad. Lucky idiot! Was supposed to join them if it's not for the dirty C-word. C for College, and C for Classes. C for Can't and C for CRAP!!!

It the most hectic period of the entire semester! Last semester was just appetizer, we all discovered. This semester's main course is a little...hard to swallow. Next semester's dessert....won't choke us to death, hopefully. Anyways, here's some of wintergear 'model' photos of him:

Apa macam? Want his handphone number? Hahah! His wearing a shirt with Edwin emblazoned on it is kind of ironic. Afterall, that IS his name. Yeah, my broom bro Edwin. Edwin, my broom bro.
The last one is a photo of my new laptop, which more than made up for not being able to join them.

Jealous am I? Well...not really. Afterall, I've been to Sipadan last year and plenty other places with my friends and my bro's last trip out was to some scout camping activities a couple of years ago. It's high time for him to rejoin the wide open space, get on a plane and see the other side of the coin, instead of being a hermit and hiding in his room with hundreds of his computer games as his company. Yep.

Not to mention it'll be my turn next anyway, when I'm finally on holidays. I just can't justify taking leave from classes. Sigh. College do suck when you look at it from this angle. You won't get the same vacations like you had for 11 years with your siblings.

Still, a new, top-of-the-line, new-from-the-oven, sleek laptop more than made up for that fact!

Amelia made this comment,
Poseur sis so poseur bro..ahahhahaha...yeah a lappie would make up for lost holidays!

A visitor made this comment,
puiyee! nice blog u have here. yeah, no hols, damn fakking college...btw, cute pics of ur bro, ahem ;) younger or older?
yook hwa

A visitor made this comment,
hhahaha.. i wouldn't mind trading a holiday for a crazy chun laptop anyday, baby!!! but, oh... i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon...

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