Friday, March 16, 2007


16 May 2003 23:33
At the moment
Song: Here I Am - Air Supply
Mood: Miffed
Word: Plagiarism (s.p.)
My brain is saying: Rah! Rah! Friday!

Can it be possible? Biology nightmare is...over??! Whoa! Yes bay-beh! This week ended with the not so top note of having Ms.-fifty-something-single-Toad for last period (as usual), only, she's extra grating during exam time. Why? She simply can't keep her mouth shut. Even if there's total silence in the classroom, she has to comment. If someone stir, she'll comment. If someone cough, she'll comment. Heck, if someone ask permission to go the toilet, she has to ask what's his/her problem. Me thinks it's Ms. Toad's the problem. Grrr.

Moving on.

I must say I'm registering surprise that from the odd 10+ themes to choose, dear Lean Chiew must choose to clash with mine. Fine. Moi is a kind person who avoid confrontation (I can hear Amelia's cackle!). I'll change my theme. Fine.


I love orange juice. Freshly squeezed, with honey, if you please. I have my own recipe. It's simple.

3 oranges, washed and halved, most preferably sweet-sour.
2 teaspoonful of honey, dilute with very hot water and cooled immediately.

Squeeze orange and avoid contact with warm things, like your kettle. You don't wanna destroy the ascorbic acid you slave over to produce.
Pour into glass with honey and add crushed ice.
Voila! Orange juice with honey. Sure beats Sunkist anytime.

Ascorbic acid (also known as Vitamin C), best for skin :).
Honey, for voice and, ah, skin.

Just a little note, though...if you have a weak stomach, don't add in the honey, or else you might end up like Sewjin, calling the toilet his home for 3 days...smirk.

Dah. I got add math tuition in uh, 3 hours. Lemme get some nap. See ya tonight!

Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix is OUT for booking!!! Except, it's priced at RM 89.90..booo! Looks like I have to do the poor man thing...wait out for the price to go down. But I haven't stop shrieking..ask my mum. She told me I was jinxed by Harry Potter spell...and YESH I AM! Harry! Harry! Harry!

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